Atlas of Switzerland

The Atlas of Switzerland (AoS) has been the official Swiss national atlas since the Federal Council decision of 1961; it was published in printed form from 1965 to 1997. Since 1995, three digital versions have been developed at ETH Zurich and published as Atlas of Switzerland – interactive, together with swisstopo and the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) in 2000, 2004 and 2010. This project has produced a variety of novel map visualisations and interactive tools as digital technology has developed. In 2016, a web-based 3D national atlas was implemented for the first time: the Atlas of Switzerland – online.
The atlas shows phenomena and structures, as well as processes and changes, relating to all the various aspects and allows readers to experience topics such as society, economy, history, nature and environment. It offers a completely new view of Switzerland and a good overview of an area that is constantly evolving in terms of landscape, demographics and the economy.