Hinweis: Die folgende Seite ist im Aufbau und nicht vollständig.


SANY IP shall deliver:

Standard service-oriented architecture for environmental sensor networks. SANY services shall be self-describing and capable of seamless "plug and measure" and sharing ("virtual networks"). Reference implementations of re-usable sensor- and domain-agnostic services, including decision support and generalized data fusion services.

In SANY, the Institute of Cartography at ETH Zurich is researching sensor data visualization for the Web based on cartographic web services.

Project period

01.09.2006 – ?


Lead: Hurni, Lorenz
Internal: Hugentobler, Marco. Iosifescu Enescu, Ionut.

Funding source



ARC Seibersdorf research GmbH, A-2444, Seibersdorf, Austria.

BMT Cordah Limited, Grove House, Meridians Cross, SO14 3TJ , Ocean Village, Southampton,
United Kingdom.

Environmental Informatics Group - Hochschule für Technik undWirtschaft des Saarlandes, Goebenstraße
40, D-66117, Saarbrücken, Germany.

Institut Géographique National, France.

Iséo, Technopole Izarbel, 64210, Bidart, France.

KTT-iMA, 20, impasse des Fauvettes, 57460, Behren-lès-Forbach, France.

Marinetech South Ltd, Waterfront Campus, European Way, SO14 3ZH, Southampton, United Kingdom.

Maritime Office in Gdynia, ul. Chrzanowskiego 10, 81-338, Gdynia, Poland.

Open Geospatial Consortium Europe Ltd., United Kingdom.

Soldata, 294 avenue Georges Clemenceau, 92000, Nanterre, France.

Spacebel S.A., Rue des Chasseurs Ardennais, 4031, Angleur, Belgium.

Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Spittelauer Lände 5 , 1090, Wien, Austria.

University of Southampton, University Road, SO17 1BJ , Southampton, United Kingdom.


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