Navigation, Routing and Location Based Services
In order to offer a solid technical infrastructure, a new concept and expert-tool based on integrated database/GIS structure is being developed under HazNETH, with support from ETHZ. This HazTOOL will allow CENAT and HazNETH researchers to build efficient systems for handling, pre-processing, and analysing the existing huge and variable data sets from different natural hazards data as well as different natural environments in the Swiss region. The final product will be a geo-spatial hazard and risk information system, comprising graphical and numerical geo-spatial data, aerial and satellite images, geo-referenced thematic data and real time monitoring feeds.
Project period
01.01.2002 – 10.01.2007
Lead: Hurni, Lorenz
Internal: Dahinden, Tobias Clemens. Demarmels, Sandra. Jenny, Bernhard Jost. Jenny, Helen Mirja. Stopper, Regula.
Funding sources
Own resources of the professorship
Department of Geography, University of Victoria, PO Box 3050, V8W 3P5, Victoria BC, Canada.
Schweizer Wanderwege SAW, Im Hirshalm 49, CH-4125, Riehen, Switzerland.
Skyguide, 1215, Geneva 15, Switzerland.
Dahinden, T. 2004. Improvements of the IKA-SVG-Viewer and JNSS. Proceedings, SVG Open 2004, Tokyo,
Dahinden, T.; Terribilini, A. 2003. A client-server, component-based navigation system. Proceedings of the 2nd SVGopen Conference, Vancouver,, SVG-presentation and paper.
Dahinden, T.; Terribilini, A. 2004. Ein komponentenbasiertes Navigationssystem mit Client-Server Architektur. Proceedings, AHORN Davos 2003, Schweizer Institut für Navigation(CHION), Eidgenössisches Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung (SLF), Österreichischer Verein für Navigation (OVN), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON), Davos.
Demarmels, S. 2004. Interaktive, SVG-basierte Flugplatzhinderniskarte. Master thesis, Institute of Cartography, ETH Zurich.
Häberling, Ch.; Hurni, Lorenz. 2005-01-01. Wie Reisezeit sichtbar wird. Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich, NSL ETH Zürich, 63-71.
Isakowski, Y.; Demarmels, S. 2004. How SVG can learn to take-off: SVG used for Aeronautical Charts. Proceedings, SVG Open 2004, Tokyo,
Perret, F. 2003. Marine Traffic Visualization Canada’s West Coast. Master thesis, Institute of Cartography, ETH Zurich.