Cartouche – Cartography for Swiss Higher Education
Hardly any other field within geomatics and geography has changed so fundamentally in the last 10 years as cartography. This change of the output media took place from analogous paper maps to two- and three-dimensional digital maps on mobile devices and for internet applications. Since only few textbooks and didactical tutorials for this field exist, the CartouCHe project, Cartography for Swiss Higher Education, was developed to teach the new methods of interactive mapping with the media themselves. Therefore, the SVC project CartouCHe provides a comprehensive overview of the new fields of multimedia cartography and its application on CD-ROM, web-based applications, and portable devices. The three main topics are Multimedia Maps, Mobile Cartography using Location Based Services (LBS), and map-related 3D Cartography. Each of these modules are made of 5 to 10 lessons á 1 to 1.5 hours learning time including reading, examples and exercises. Each lesson again consists of 5 to 6 units á 10 to 15 minutes learning time.
The whole project is modular to reach a very high flexibility and reusability in the education. Each lesson and each unit is based on the modular didactical concept ECLASS: Entry (definition of learning goals), Clarify (definitions, explanations), Look (examples), Act (interactive examples), Self-Assess (quizzes, tests), Summary. This approach is also technically applied with the eLesson Markup Language (ELML). Here, even single examples can be linked, so that they can be used in different lectures. Furthermore, the XML-based content can be written once and exported in different file formats such as HTML, PDF, IMS, SCORM to serve the student’s purposes.
The CartouCHe modules are used in the blended learning mode within the curricula of the three leading universities in Switzerland dealing with multimedia cartography: ETH Zurich (Institute of Cartography), University of Zurich (Department of Geography) and Basel University of Applied Sciences (Division of Surveying and Geoinformation). At the ETH Zurich, the module ”Multimedia Cartography” is used in the lecture of the same name in combination with an incremental practical exercise. Since this course is embedded in the learning platform Moodle, it can be used for the lecture itself as well as for self-guided studying and the exam preparation.
Project period
11.04.2005 – ?
Lead: Hurni, Lorenz
Internal: Schnabel, Olaf. Wiesmann, Samuel.
Funding source
ETH internal grant
Geographisches Institut - Universität Zürich, Irchel, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 , Zürich, Switzerland.
Geomatik - Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Departement Bau, Gründenstrasse 40, 4132, Muttenz,
externe Seite
Schnabel O., Stopper R., Hurni L. 2007-08-08. New modular approach for knowledgetransfer in multimedia cartography: The e-learning project CartouCHe. Proceedings of the International Cartographic Conference, (Theme 4, Oral 2), Moscow.