Auto-Adaptive Algorithm for Small-Scale Terrain Representation



As relief influences disposition of all the other objects displayed on maps, one of the key roles in map creation belongs to terrain representation. Relief shading is a traditional manual technique allowing the user to perceive the terrain in an intuitive way. With the advent of digital elevation models, analytical relief shading came into a wider use, since it is faster, requires less effort and delivers reproducible results. In contrast to manual relief shading, it often lacks clarity when representing heterogeneous landscapes with diverse landforms though. The goal of the proposed project is to transfer the manual techniques and rules into the automated form.

This project aims at creating an auto-adaptive algorithm capable of segmenting the landscape on small-scale maps and applying the optimal set of visualisation tools according to the characteristics of the terrains in each segmented area.

Kick off



Lead: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hurni
Internal: Serebryakova, Marianna

Funding sources

Own Resources of the Professorship






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