MOOC: Introduction to Web Cartography

“Introduction to Web Cartography” (Part 1 + Part 2) intended to be the first cartographic MOOCs at ETH Zürich. Through a series of high quality video lectures and various types of exercises structured in 10 thematic blocks (5 in Part 1 and 5 in Part 2), they will provide the students with the theoretical background, knowledge and practical skills that are necessary in order to successfully design and create interactive cartographic products based on modern web technologies.
The division of the content in two parts not only supports conveying the course content but also is providing the students with the additional opportunity to review, if necessary, the Part 1 of the course as a self-paced course, before the start of Part 2.
In Part 1, students will learn all the steps from “how to build and structure a Web map document” up to “how zoomable world maps are constructed and used”, providing them with the basic knowledge and practical skills for creating basic world maps. In Part 2, they will complete their knowledge of Web Cartography from Part 1 by covering topics such as “fundamentals of map graphics”, “thematic mapping”, “introduction to 3D graphics” and the “Art of map coding”. Successfully completing both Part 1 and 2 will enable students to create different types of topographic and thematic Web maps, including 3D maps on a globe. In both parts, the students will have the opportunity to implement this knowledge in several exercises, which are especially designed for this purpose.
The Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation (IKG) at ETH Zürich is worldwide recognized for his high expertise in cartographic applications. To maintain its leading position, it exploits and further develops cartographic knowledge by adapting it to new interactive technologies and application domains. “Introduction to Web Cartography” MOOCs aim to communicate and share this knowledge with residential but also with students all over the world.
Kick off
Lead: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hurni
Internal: Charalampos Gkonos, Dr. Hans-Rudolf Bär
Funding sources
ETH Innovedum fund
external page