
The aim of the cooperative project Geodata4SwissEDU (January 2015 to March 2017) was to set up an efficient national service for the targeted searching, access, presentation, downloading and processing of comprehensive geoinformation for education and research at Swiss universities. The project's central goals were an expanded geodata range (besides data from the government, selected cantonal and project-specific geodata were also be integrated), the implementation of a scalable technical infrastructure and the development of user-oriented functionalities for geodata management. The development of an adequate operational concept guaranteed the sustainability of Geodata4SwissEDU. Central aim of the follow-up project, which started in April 2017, is the successful establishment of the national service at Swiss universities and the development of a customer base, which will allow the long-term, self-sustaining funding of the service as of 2019. Furthermore, the project aims at strengthening the service by optimizing and expanding its data and functionalities, which will increase the attractiveness of the service for users and thereby facilitate the sustainable establishment at Swiss universities.
Project period
01.04.2017 – 31.12.2018
Lead: Roman Walt
Internal: Prof. Dr. Lorenz Hurni, Dr. Ionuț Iosifescu, Charalampos Gkonos, Magnus Heitzler
Funding source
SUC Programme 2013-2016 P-2 "Scientific Information: Access, Processing and Safeguarding".
- ETH Library
- Geoinformation Competence Centre at the University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil (HSR)
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